MATE – Magyar Agrár és Élettudományi Egyetem
– Talajtani Tanszék
– Borászati Tanszék
– Vízgazdálkodási Tanszék
Reseller and integrator partners
Reseller and integrator partners are sought for the introduction of Evolution Water PRO services in local markets. A sound business plan and extensive market reach is recommended
Advantages of Evolution Water PRO:
-Increased crop yield and quality: Significant increase of crop yield. The overall quality of crops also improves, including increased sugar content, BRIX values, better look and taste, healthier plants, transportability, extended shelf time. Higher product value can be obtained form the same land.
-Water management: Efficiency of irrigation influences directly the efficiency and costs of water management, including the quantity of water used, energy consumption of irrigation processes, investment and running casts of equipment used, labour costs. Less water is sufficient to produce similar yields, a key element in countries with limited water supplies.
-Plant health and resistivity to pests, Decreased use of pesticides, additional nutrients: Improved intake of nutrients improves plant defensive mechanisms, health and resistivity, and may help supress most of the chemical additives and potentially environment polluting processes used during production, including pesticides, drugs and chemical nutrients. This on one hand decreases dramatically production costs, plant as well as human health hazards, and renders production compliant with sustainability and environment friendly production models, improves the competitivity of organic farming.
-Scale removal: the use of Evolution Water PRO may decrease radically scale formation. Chemical based scale removal, cleaning of irrigation equipment becomes unnecessary, while minerals are used directly by the crops. Scale removal technologies available on the market are much less efficient and are very heavy on the environment, while most can be applied up to 1 inch pipes.
-Decrease of production costs: increased yield may be obtained with less investment and operating costs, and reduced use of costly production technologies, drugs and additives. No major investment is needed in equipment, bioengineering, chemical products or additional labour costs to produce the same or improved yield. Less waste is produced throughout the entire value chain.
-Decrease of food waste: Improved plant health results in reduced food waste during production processes. Improved transportability, extended shelf time helps limit considerably food waste during production, logistics, in commercial units and households.
-Competitive advantages: Higher yields, improved product quality is obtained with the reduction of overall production costs, decreased environment stress and health hazards. Improved quality together with extended product transportability and shelf time make possible to reach new export markets. The introduction of Evolution Water PRO into agriculture processes is a modest investment compared to macro level gains obtainable. The combined effect of the above on competitivity in both small and large production facilities, and at macroeconomic level, may become a strategic issue on country level.
-Impact on Import / export: Dependency on import can be reduced through increased yields and reduced production and logistic costs. Export capabilities can be increased through improved competitivity and extended logistic capabilities.
-Small producers, biocultures: One key pillar in the agricultural landscape of a country is typically the large number of small producers, active primarily on the local market. On the other hand, every country relies extensively on domestic products, that constitute a key element in the food supply chain, especially in low income segments of the population. Production costs, plant health and the amount of food waste, transportability of goods are key elements in the competitivity of small producers.
-Biocultures, sustainable production: As the use of Evolution Water PRO involves no stress on the environment, it can be used to boost the competitiveness of biocultures. Evolution Water PRO received the bioculture certificate from Biokontroll Hungary.